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Special function mode:
RDA device name | i96 Bus Name | Linux device name |
uart1 | UART0 | /dev/ttyS1 |
uart2 | UART1 | /dev/ttyS2 |
uart3 | n/a | /dev/ttyS0 (debug terminal; not on i96 bus) |
i2c1 | n/a | /sys/class/i2c/i2c-0 (link to modem chip; not on i96 bus) |
i2c2 | I2C0 | /sys/class/i2c/i2c-1 |
i2c3 | I2C1 | /sys/class/i2c/i2c-2 |
spi2 | SPI0 | /sys/class/spi_master TODO: verify |
i2s2 | PCM | /sys/class/pcm/pcm-1 TODO: verify |
RDA gpio driver group | IOMUX address | Linux gpio device numbers |
Group C | 0x11a0.9008 | gpio96-gpio127 |
Group A | 0x11a0.900c | gpio0-gpio31 |
Group B | 0x11a0.9010 | gpio32-gpio63 |
Group D | 0x11a0.9014 | gpio64-gpio68 (there are only 5 pins) |
Write a '1' into the IOMUX register to set a bit to GPIO mode. Write a '0' to set the same bit to 'special function' See this
The actual gpio direction and value registers are at 0x2093.0000(group a), 0x2093.1000(group b), 0x2093.2000(group d) and 0x11a08000(group c) address + 0 = "data direction register 0=output"
+ 4 set for "dir = out"
+ 8 set for "dir = in"
+ c for "value read/write"
+ 10 set for "write 1"
+ 14 set for "write 0"
+ 18 gpio interrupt control reg
2G modem
camera interface
LCD interface
booting from NAND
changing the WiFi into an AP (access point)
some people had problems with specific makes of sdcards (trans-flash)
login orangepi/orangepi
sudo -i
edit /etc/update-motd.d/100-fs-warning
(change last escape sequence to \033[0m
dpkg -r alsa-utils libasound2
or simply rm /usr/sbin/alsactl
run orangepi-config
set your timezone :
rm /etc/localtime
ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Toronto /etc/localtime
adduser <username>
usermod -a -G sudo <username>
in /lib/modules/3.10.62-rel5.0.2+/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rdaw80211/rdawlan/
update your system: apt update && apt upgrade
NOTE there are some wifi hotspots that refuse to DHCP/DHCLIENT but others are fine.....why?
NOTE if you go to compile the source for uboot & kernel, you'll need to load the 32bit versions of the libstdc++6 libraries
The 2G-IOT version of this board includes a GSM tranceiver and an audio subsystem. Otherwise it is very similar to the i96 board and most of the above notes apply.
The 2G-IOT board does not have the 3 green LEDS, but it does have a single red LED which can be controlled by
cd /sys/class/leds/red-flash
echo 0 > brightness
echo 255 > brightness
NOTE: The i2c-0 device is connected to pins 3/5 (I2C1_SDA/I2C1_SCL) on the 2Giot pin connector. It is NOT recommended to use this bus, because it is also connected to the modem chip, and is used for chip-to-chip communication. For the same reason, do not use opio to modify the operation of these pins.
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