% OPIO(1) opio v2.1 % Pat Beirne patb@pbeirne.com % Oct 2021
opio - Control GPIO pins on OrangePi. A replacement for WiringPi
opio [-2 | -9] readall {or status}
opio [-2 | -9] readallx {or statusx}
opio [-2 | -9] exports
opio [-2 | -9] leds
opio mode pin [ in | out | alt ]
opio [ -d ] read pin
opio [ -d ] write pin [ 1 | 0 | on | off ]
opio allows access to the GPIO pins of OrangePi single-board computers. This version is designed speciifically for the
Running opio without any parameters will show its usage. opio requires 'su' permissions, so must be run as 'root' or via 'sudo'.
readall or status : Displays the state of the gpio pins in a grid format. The list includes all the pins used in the on-board 40 pin connector. For each pin, the listing shows the gpio pin number, its alternate function, its i96 pin name, its current mode and value, and the corresponding pin number on the 40 pin connector.
readallx or statusx : Creates a similar chart, but includes the RDA pin names and Linux device driver names.
leds : Creates a smaller chart, for the interesting I/O pins which are not part of the 40 pin connector. On the i96 board, there are 3 LEDs which can be controlled via opio
exports : Print a list of current entries in /sys/class/gpio, indicating which pins have been exported (prepared for read/write). If a gpio pin exists on the 40 pin connector, the pin number is listed.
mode : Sets the mode for a pin as either 'in', 'out' or 'alternate-function'. Normally opio will create an export for this gpio pin, and then set the direction. If you set the 'alt' function, the export will be removed. With the -d option, the export is not created, but the 'in'/'out'/'alt' mode setting will still be done.
read : Returns the current value (1/0) of the gpio pin, if possible. If the pin is in 'alt' mode, it is changed to 'in' before the value is read.
write : Attempts to write the given value into the given pin. If the pin is in 'alt' mode, it is changed to 'out' before the value is asserted.
-d : Use low-level access to control the pins. Without the -d option, opio tries to use the 'export' gpio mechanism (at /sys/class/gpio). The -d option only applies to mode, read and write
-2 : Use the pin assignments for the OrangePi-2G-iot. If you wish to make this option persistent, create a file named /etc/OrangePi-2g-iot.
-9 : Use the pin assignments for the OrangePi-i96. If you wish to make this option persistent, create a file named /etc/OrangePi-i96. In the absence of the -9 and -2 option, the program will attempt to auto-detect the board version.
The microcontroller used on these boards presents i/o pins which can be set to 'general usage' GPIO as 'input' or 'output, or alternatively, set to operate in a specific way (uart, i2c, i2s, pcm, etc). opio refers the the current mode of each pin one of these: either GPIO 'in', GPIO 'out', or 'alt'ernate function.
The 'in*' or 'out*' are marked with an asterisk to indicate that the pin is in GPIO mode, but not listed in the current 'export' list.
As a convenience, the read and write commands will automatically set the mode on the GPIO pin and create an export. So, generally, the mode command is only required if you wish to change a pin back to its 'alt' function.
This program is styled after the gpio program written by Gordon Henderson for the Raspberry Pi. Unlike the original gpio program, this one does not implement:
There are 4 naming schemes used to identify pins in these boards. opio uses exclusively the Linux gpio device driver numbers, the first on this list:
You can explore the correspondence between these naming schemes with opio readall and opio readallx
Normally, opio will access the GPIO pins through the Linux gpio device driver, and the corresponding files at /sys/class/gpio
. This is high level access.
If you wish to bypass the Linux gpio driver, add the -d
option to the opio command line and the reads/writes will be done at a low level, directly on the machine's registers.
The commands readall, readallx and leds are always done using low level access. The exports command is always done with high level commands.
Be careful about making changed with the -d option. Some linux gpio drivers will cache the direction and value, so changes you make with the -d option may not be reflected in the export folder.
display a chart of the pin assignments of the 40 pin connector:
opio readall
list the currently 'exported' pins:
opio exports
set gpio 15 to an output; also create an export for gpio15 ...then flash the pin (gpio15 Linux number):
opio mode 15 out
opio write 15 on
sleep 2
opio write 15 off
set gpio 15 to an output; do not create an export
opio -d mode 15 out
write to gpio15 pin, bypassing the export mechanism
opio -d write 15 on
NOTE The more recent /dev/gpio driver is not yet available on these boards, since they're running the 3.xx kernels.
NOTE The 2G-IOT board uses the I2C1 bus to communicate with the modem chip. This is i2c-0 in the kernel, and is pins 3 & 5 on the 40 pin connector. Do not use these pins to connect to peripherals. And do not use opio to modify the mode of these pins.
NOTE The 2G-IOT board uses the I2C3 bus to communicate with the LCD. If you are using an LCD in the socket, do not change the mode on pins 38 & 40.
NOTE To create a man page, run pandoc README.md -s -t man -o opio.1
For local usage, you can run pandoc README.md -s --css pandoc.css -o opio.html