@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+''' a widget that shows only a dir listing
+ '''
+import sys,os,argparse
+from tkinter import *
+class DirWidget(Listbox):
+ ''' a simple widget that shows a list of directories, staring
+ at the directory passed into the constructor
+ a mouse click or 'enter' key will send a 'selected' signal to
+ anyone who connects to this.
+ the .. parent directory is shown for all dirs except /
+ the most interesting parts of the interface are:
+ constructor - send in the directory to view
+ method - currentPath() returns text of current path
+ signal - selected calls a slot with a single arg: new path
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, parent, directory='.'):
+ super(DirWidget,self).__init__(parent)
+ self.directory = directory
+ self.refill()
+ self.bind("<Key>",self.quickFind)
+ self.bind("<Double-Button-1>",self.hit)
+ self.bind("<Return>",self.hit)
+ def hit(self,event):
+ if self.size()==0:
+ return
+ self.directory = os.path.abspath(self.directory + '/' + self.get(ACTIVE))
+ self.refill()
+ self.event_generate("<<DirChanged>>")
+ def refill(self):
+ current,dirs,files = os.walk(self.directory,followlinks=True).__next__()
+ dirs = sorted(dirs, key=lambda s: s.lower())
+ if '/' not in dirs:
+ dirs = ['..'] + dirs
+ self.delete(0,END)
+ for d in dirs:
+ #li = QListWidgetItem(d,self)
+ # replace this with an insert
+ self.insert(END,d)
+ self.selection_set(0)
+ def currentPath(self):
+ return self.directory
+ def quickFind(self,event):
+ if event.char==None or event.char=='' or event.char==chr(13):
+ return
+ event.char = event.char.lower()
+ if event.char not in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-.%':
+ return
+ print("quickFind: "+event.char+" ")
+ for i in range(self.size()):
+ print("qf get: " + self.get(i))
+ if self.get(i)[0].lower()==event.char:
+ self.activate(i)
+ self.see(i)
+ return
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ def alert(some_event):
+ print("dirWidget hit" + str(some_event))
+ os.system('notify-send -t 1500 "file: ' +
+ some_event.widget.currentPath() + '"')
+ t = Tk()
+ dw = DirWidget(t)
+ dw.pack()
+ t.bind("<<DirChanged>>",alert)
+ Button(t,text="quit",command=t.destroy).pack()
+ mainloop()
+notes on Listbox
+properties: can use []
+archivestyle, bg, bd, cursor, disabledforeground, exportselection, font,
+fg, height/width, highlightbacground, listvariable, relief, selectbackground,
+selectforground, selectmode, state, takefocus, x(y)scrollcommand
+insert(i,data), itemcget(i), itemconfig(i,option),nearest(y),scan_dragto(x,y),
+ _height(),_id(),_ismapped(),_manager(),_name(),_parent(),_pathname(),_pixels(),
+ _pointerx/y(),_reqheight/width(),_rgb(color),_rootx/y(),_screenheight/width(),
+ _screenmmheight/width(),_screenvisual(),_toplevel(),_viewable(),x/y()