Эх сурвалжийг харах

get rid of old python2 stuff

Pat Beirne 2 жил өмнө
2 өөрчлөгдсөн 0 нэмэгдсэн , 378 устгасан
  1. 0 105
  2. 0 273

+ 0 - 105

@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-''' a widget that shows only a dir listing
- '''
-import sys,os,argparse
-from Tkinter import *
-class DirWidget(Listbox):
-	''' a simple widget that shows a list of directories, staring
-	at the directory passed into the constructor
-	a mouse click or 'enter' key will send a 'selected' signal to
-	anyone who connects to this.
-	the .. parent directory is shown for all dirs except /
-	the most interesting parts of the interface are:
-	constructor - send in the directory to view
-	method - currentPath() returns text of current path
-	new event <<DirChanged>>
-	'''
-	def __init__(self, parent, directory='.'):
-		Listbox.__init__(self,parent)
-		self.directory = directory
-		self.refill()
-		self.bind("<Key>",self.quickFind)
-		self.bind("<Double-Button-1>",self.hit)
-		self.bind("<Return>",self.hit)
-	def hit(self,event):
-		if self.size()==0:
-			return
-		self.directory = os.path.abspath(self.directory + '/' + self.get(ACTIVE))
-		self.refill()
-		self.event_generate("<<DirChanged>>")
-	def refill(self):
-		current,dirs,files =  os.walk(self.directory,followlinks=True).next()
-		dirs = sorted(dirs, key=lambda s: s.lower())
-		if '/' not in dirs:
-			dirs = ['..'] + dirs
-		self.delete(0,END)
-		for d in dirs:
-			self.insert(END,d)
-		#self.selection_set(0)	
-	def currentPath(self):
-		return self.directory
-	def quickFind(self,event):
-		if event.char==None or event.char=='' or event.char==chr(13):
-			return
-		event.char = event.char.lower()
-		if event.char not in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-.%':
-			return
-		for i in range(self.size()):
-			if self.get(i)[0].lower()==event.char:
-				self.activate(i)
-				self.see(i)
-				return
-if __name__=="__main__":
-	def alert(some_event):
-		print("dirWidget hit dir: " + some_event.widget.currentPath())
-		os.system('notify-send -t 1500 "file: ' + 
-			some_event.widget.currentPath() + '"')
-	t = Tk()
-	dw = DirWidget(t) 
-	dw.pack()
-	t.bind("<<DirChanged>>",alert)
-	Button(t,text="quit",command=t.destroy).pack()
-	mainloop()
-notes on Listbox
-properties: can use []
-archivestyle, bg, bd, cursor, disabledforeground, exportselection, font,
-fg, height/width, highlightbacground, listvariable, relief, selectbackground,
-selectforground, selectmode, state, takefocus, x(y)scrollcommand
-insert(i,data), itemcget(i), itemconfig(i,option),nearest(y),scan_dragto(x,y),
- _height(),_id(),_ismapped(),_manager(),_name(),_parent(),_pathname(),_pixels(),
- _pointerx/y(),_reqheight/width(),_rgb(color),_rootx/y(),_screenheight/width(),
- _screenmmheight/width(),_screenvisual(),_toplevel(),_viewable(),x/y()

+ 0 - 273

@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-""" a simple gui or command line app
-to view and create/edit file comments
-comments are stored in xattr user.xdg.comment
-depends on python-pyxattr
-because files are so often over-written, save a copy
-of the comments in a database ~/.dirnotes.db
-these comments stick to the symlink
-import sys,os,argparse
-from dirWidget2 import DirWidget
-from Tkinter import *
-from ttk import *
-import xattr, sqlite3, time
-VERSION = "0.2"
-COMMENT_KEY = "user.xdg.comment"
-DATABASE_NAME = "~/.dirnotes.db"
-# convert the ~/ form to a fully qualified path
-DATABASE_NAME = os.path.expanduser(DATABASE_NAME)
-class DataBase:
-	''' the database is flat
-		fileName: fully qualified name
-		st_mtime: a float
-		size: a long
-		comment: a string
-		comment_time: a float, the time of the comment save
-		this is effectively a log file, as well as a resource for a restore
-			(in case a file-move is done without comment)
-		the database is associated with a user, in the $HOME dir
-	'''
-	def __init__(self):
-		'''try to open the database; if not found, create it'''
-		try:
-			self.db = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_NAME)
-		except sqlite3.OperationalError:
-			print("Database %s not found" % DATABASE_NAME)
-			raise OperationalError
-		c = self.db.cursor()
-		try:
-			c.execute("select * from dirnotes")
-		except sqlite3.OperationalError:
-			print("Table %s created" % ("dirnotes"))
-			c.execute("create table dirnotes (name TEXT, date DATETIME, size INTEGER, comment TEXT, comment_date DATETIME)")
-	def getData(self, fileName):
-		c = self.db.cursor()
-		c.execute("select * from dirnotes where name=? order by comment_date desc",(os.path.abspath(fileName),))
-		return c.fetchone()
-	def setData(self, fileName, _date, _size, comment):
-		c = self.db.cursor()
-		c.execute("insert into dirnotes values (?,?,?,?,?)",
-			(fileName, _date, _size, comment, time.time()))
-		self.db.commit()
-		return True
-	def log(self, fileName, comment):
-		''' TODO: convert filename to canonical '''
-		c = self.db.cursor()
-		s = os.stat(fileName)
-		print ("params: %s %f %d %s %f" % ((os.path.abspath(fileName), s.st_mtime, s.st_size, comment, time.time())))
-		c.execute("insert into dirnotes values (?,datetime(?,'unixepoch','localtime'),?,?,datetime(?,'unixepoch','localtime'))",
-			(os.path.abspath(fileName), s.st_mtime, s.st_size, str(comment), time.time()))
-		self.db.commit()
-def parse():
-	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='dirnotes application')
-	parser.add_argument('dirname',metavar='dirname',type=str,
-		help='directory [default=current dir]',default=".",nargs='?')
-	parser.add_argument('dirname2',help='comparison directory, shows two-dirs side-by-side',nargs='?')
-	parser.add_argument('-n','--nogui',action="store_const",const="1",
-		help='use text base interface')
-	parser.add_argument('-v','--version',action='version',version='%(prog)s '+VERSION)
-	group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-	group.add_argument('-s','--sort-by-name',metavar='sort',action="store_const",const='n')
-	group.add_argument('-m','--sort-by-date',metavar='sort',action='store_const',const='d')
-	return parser.parse_args()
-class FileObj():
-	def __init__(self, fileName):
-		self.fileName = fileName
-		# also get the date, directory or not, etc
-		self.comment = ''
-		try:
-			self.comment = xattr.getxattr(fileName,COMMENT_KEY)
-		except Exception as e:
-			#print("comment read on %s failed, execption %s" % (self.fileName,e)) 
-			pass
-	def getName(self):
-		return self.fileName
-	def getShortName(self):
-		if self.fileName[-1]=='/':	#do show dirs, they can have comments
-			return os.path.basename(self.fileName[:-1])+'/'
-		else:
-			return os.path.basename(self.fileName)
-	def getComment(self):
-		return self.comment
-	def setComment(self,newComment):
-		self.comment = newComment
-		try:
-			xattr.setxattr(self.fileName,COMMENT_KEY,self.comment)
-			return True
-		# we need to move these cases out to a handler 
-		except Exception as e:
-			print("problem setting the comment on file %s" % (self.fileName,))
-			if os.access(self.fileName, os.W_OK)!=True:
-				print("you don't appear to have write permissions on this file")
-				# change the listbox background to yellow
-				self.displayBox.notifyUnchanged()				
-			elif "Errno 95" in str(e):
-				print("is this a VFAT or EXFAT volume? these don't allow comments")
-			return False
-class DirNotes(Frame):
-	''' the main window of the app
-		has 3 list boxes: dir_left, dir_right (may be invisible) and files
-		'''
-	def __init__(self, parent, filename, db):
-		Frame.__init__(self,parent)
-		self.db = db
-		self.lb = lb = Treeview(self)
-		lb['columns'] = ('comment')
-		lb.heading('#0',text='Name')
-		lb.heading('comment',text='Comment')
-		# resize the comments column
-		# and resize the parent window to match the directory size
-		# allow multiple entries on the line at this point
-		#d = os.listdir(p.filename[0])
-		#d.sort()
-		current, dirs, files = os.walk(filename,followlinks=True).next()
-		dirs = map(lambda x:x+'/', dirs)
-		dirs.sort()
-		files.sort()
-		d = dirs + files
-		self.files = []
-		for i in range(len(d)):
-			this_file = FileObj(current+'/'+d[i])
-			self.files = self.files + [this_file]
-			lb.insert('','end',iid=str(i),text=this_file.getShortName(),)
-			#lb.itemAt(i,0).setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled) #NoItemFlags)
-			comment = this_file.getComment()
-			lb.set(item=str(i),column='comment',value=comment)
-		e2 = Label(self,text="View and edit file comments stored in extended attributes user.xdg.comment")
-		e1 = Label(self,text="Active Directory:")
-		b1 = Button(self,text="restore from database")
-		dirLeft = DirWidget(self,current)
-		#dirLeft.setMaximumHeight(140)
-		#dirLeft.setMaximumWidth(200)
-		dirRight = DirWidget(self,current)
-		#~ dirRight.setMaximumHeight(140)
-		#~ dirRight.setMaximumWidth(200)
-		#~ dirRight.setEnabled(False)
-		#~ layout = QVBoxLayout()
-		#~ upperLayout = QHBoxLayout()
-		#~ layout.addWidget(e)
-		#~ upperLayout.addWidget(dirLeft)
-		#~ upperLayout.addWidget(b1)
-		#~ upperLayout.addWidget(dirRight)
-		#~ layout.addLayout(upperLayout)
-		#~ layout.addWidget(lb)
-		#~ win.setLayout(layout)
-		#~ lb.itemChanged.connect(self.change)
-		#~ b1.pressed.connect(self.restore_from_database)
-		#~ QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+Q"), self, self.close)	
-		#~ self.setWindowTitle("test")
-		#~ self.setMinimumSize(600,400)
-		e1.pack(anchor=W,padx=20)
-		dirLeft.pack(anchor=W,padx=20,pady=5)
-		e2.pack()
-		lb.pack()
-	def closeEvent(self,e):
-		print("closing")
-	def change(self,x):
-		print("debugging " + x.text() + " r:" + str(x.row()) + " c:" + str(x.column()))
-		the_file = dn.files[x.row()]
-		r = the_file.setComment(str(x.text())) 
-		if r:
-			self.db.log(the_file.getName(),x.text())
-	def restore_from_database(self):
-		print("restore from database")
-		fileName = str(self.lb.item(self.lb.currentRow(),0).text())
-		fo_row = self.db.getData(fileName)
-		if len(fo_row)>1:
-			comment = fo_row[3]
-			print(fileName,fo_row[0],comment)
-if __name__=="__main__":
-	p = parse()
-	if p.dirname[-1]=='/':
-		p.dirname = p.dirname[:-1]
-	print(p.dirname)
-	db = DataBase()
-	tk_basis = Tk()
-	tk_basis.title("DirNotes "+p.dirname)
-	dn = DirNotes(tk_basis,p.dirname,db)
-	dn.pack()
-	mainloop()
-	#xattr.setxattr(filename,COMMENT_KEY,commentText)
-''' files from directories
-use os.isfile()
-current, dirs, files = os.walk("path").next()
-possible set folllowLinks=True'''
-''' notes from the wdrm project
-table showed 
-filename, size, date size, date, desc
-at start, fills the list of all the files
-skip the . entry
-''' should we also do user.xdg.tags="TagA,TagB" ?
-user.creator=application_name or user.xdg.creator
-''' to allow column-sorting, you use the sortByColumn and set the Horiz-header to clickable
-''' TODO: also need a way to display-&-restore comments from the database '''
-''' QFileDialog
-	-make my own?
-	-existing one has
-		-history
-		-back button
-		-up button
-		-but we don't need
-			-directory date
-			-icon option
-			-url browser (unless we go network file system)
-			-new folder button
-			-file type chooser
-			-text entry box
-			-choose & cancel buttons
-	'''